The delay in the release of the White iPhone 4 has given birth to several rumors and the strongest among them is that Apple is delaying its release because it is planning to start selling the White iPhone 4 with an improved antenna design.
Notably, iPhone 4, which went on sale from June 24 is facing serious reception issues due to some flaw in its antenna design and the Cupertino-based firm is under intense pressure to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs addressed a press conference a few days ago to discuss antenna issues and during his interaction with the reporters, Jobs himself said the white model would be shipping by the end of July but now it is rumored that the device is delayed again?
Engadget reported that the delay is due to some production challenges. Specifically, the factory’s still working out the perfect combination of paint thickness and opacity—the former to ensure the next subcontractor has enough clearance for the digitizer overlay, and the latter for the absolute whiteness that Jony Ive and Co. strive for,” suggested Endgadget.
But it does not appear logical that the delay is due to production problems because it is unlikely that Apple would not have worked out the manufacturing process to do so well in advance. I think that the electronics giant is delaying the release only to fix the antenna design.
Speculation is rife that Apple’s white iPhone will arrive close to September 30 and it seems logical because that’s the date when Apple’s free bumper case programme currently expires. Apple is giving away free bumper cases to fix the antenna problems.
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