Canadian Doctor Charged of Smuggling Human Growth Hormone Treated Santana Moss

Canadian Doctor Charged of Smuggling Human Growth Hormone Treated Santana Moss

Mike Shanahan, the Washington Redskins coach is taking his time to take a decision and is awaiting further reports. After initial reports suggested that Santana Moss is linked to Canadian doctor who smuggled human growth hormone.

He said on Thursday night that he will speak to Moss ”at the right time”.

As per reports from The Buffalo News and Washington Post’ Moss had received treatment from Galea. He is also the unidentified Washington player who has been reported in the affidavit associated with the case.

It was earlier reported by the Washington Post that Moss had received human growth hormone from Galea but the report was changed where it was said that he had only received treatment from the doctor.

Galea has been charged of smuggling, unlawful distribution of human growth hormone and unlawfully treating professional athletes. A Canadian court document on Wednesday revealed that he made multiple trips to New York City, Boston, Cleveland and other US cities to meet with professional athletes.

The Redskins also declined to comment.

“At this juncture, any of the persons who are alleged to have used these substances are considered witnesses, and not targets, of this investigation,” William J. Hochul Jr., the U.S. attorney in Buffalo, told The Buffalo News.

Moss is currently recovering from Knee injury.

Shanagan has said “A doctor comes to town and has supposedly seen a player,”. “The NFL’s on top of all those things, and if there’s any validity to it, they will contact me and contact our organization, which they have not done.”


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